martes, 8 de julio de 2008

Team retreat

my third company retreat this month. this time it's with the BD team and the V-crew. a 2D1N stay at a australian winery. our first stop was at 黑龙潭, a nature reserve with beautiful mountain ranges, waterfalls and a breathtaking view. we didn't manage to hike all 3 hrs first becos my colleagues weren't keen, and even when 3 of us pressed on, we found the trail difficult. it was hard to climb steps and ladders (yes, ladders) in the caves and we were told a rain was coming. but it was a good workout. i had enough of stairs.

so this is where we lived. charming little mansion that has rooms with juicy looking apple-green walls. i suspect it was to hide the moss growing on the walls. i had a room all to myself becos my roomate decided to quit (the job) the day before. we had a feast for dinner. not great food. but at leas they were amazingly fresh. there was also karaoke and mahjong lined up.
loved looking at the wild plants and the animals that was reared nearby. an ostrich farm and a horse range. thats a pony i'm trying to touch. they're awfully friendly and now i so want to ride a horse!
it's been a long time since i felt this close to nature. great scenenary, fresh air and lovely animals. i think i shd visit the aquarium soon.

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