viernes, 16 de enero de 2009

Back @ Xi

this is me, back at my counter at Xi. but this time at tanglin shopping centre where human traffic is sparse and i have a swivel chair to sit on most of the time. sales is slow becos it's mainly jade accessories and hand-wonven handbags. but it's a nice environment and i'm accompanied with two friendly admin ladies who work at the back.
this is a really vain shot. but since i was alone, i tot i'd play with my camera for a bit. now, 24 going on 25 weeks. little J is moving a lot and yesterday, i discovered the area around my kneecap swollen with purple and green varicose veins. anyway, at thursday's checkup, dr cheng gave a good report. and i know when is the EDD. it's 28th April altho joa and i are confessing it to be 1 May for a good date. It's Labour Day. like, LABOUR DAY!!! so doc said, pray harder and donate more to church.

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