martes, 23 de junio de 2009

pre-bedtime mumblings

Joa got his driver's licence last Thursday and I'm both proud and relieved. Now that things are so much more convenient since I get to nurse Cookie in the car. He was also on half-day work today so we swung by TPY to get a NUK bottle (and of course, bubble tea!).

I've decided to trust the experts' recommendation and combine bottle and breast feeding - without myself present during bottle time. Also, I should take the opportunity and go on an afternoon shopping trip while leaving Cookie with Mum and the Bottle. Perhaps then I'll begin to see The Bottle in a more positive light.

Just for the record

We're getting a hang of Cookie now. Wake up call at 6am (darn it!), afternoon naps at 12pm, bedtime at 9pm (too early!), midnight feed at 2am (urgh!), and needing to soothe or feed at 4am (and if we're unlucky, every hour after!). He hates to be anywhere else but home; loves the wind in the garden; hates having his neck scrubbed; loves the sound of water running. His best source of comfort: his dad, of course. His favourite toys being the Winnie-The-Pooh mobile over his cotbed, the cow beanie, and Cookie Monster. His worst time of the day: tummy time.

Joa - great job as dad. Already bored of his new appointment as Infantry Officer and infatuated with Papaya Milk.

Me? I've regained about 70% of stamina for running - 4km at the track and 5km on the treadmill all under 40mins. My weight has reached a plateau for over almost two months now and I still have 7kg to shed. Still unable to fit into my bottoms but the gap is closing in. Breasts still huge as ever - hate it - and still having trouble with damned pump.

Appetite: irresistable to Koi Cafe and have odd cravings for Double Cheeseburger. In fact the cravings are so bad I think of having them both everyday.

Sleep: extremely tired. Most mornings I am awoken by Cookie whimpering about wanting to go for a walk in the garden. So I ignore him and bear with his incessant cries until I awake an hour or two later to find him fast asleep next to me.

Activity: Apart from quick running sessions and the brief drive-outs for bubble tea and other necessities, I'm mostly at home, watching the online videos and breastfeeding.

What I'm excited about: Dad's installing cable tv (finally!), weekly maccas treat, bubble tea, and the coming issue of Cleo. Weird since I've never credited any of those articles. But I'm really reading it for the fashion, beauty and medical infotainment.

What I miss especially: hanging out long hours with friends talking about everything and nothing.

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Congrats Joa~!! Well done...

~Miss K

Anónimo dijo...

oh... I forgot to comment on something... Joa infatuated with Papaya Milk?! *psst* Don't drink much... Its been said to help gals develop boobs...

~Miss K