viernes, 5 de junio de 2009

a muffled world

i've gone into a temporary state of muffled deafness due to a bout of ear infection. it started more than a week ago but my clumsiness in taking proper care of it has made it worse. therefore, i'm not stuck in one of the worst discomfort ever - being (almost) deaf!

for a few days, i started feeling sad that i now hear a very distant form of my infant's cries. i have to be prompted more than once by joa whenever he wants to tell me something. i can't hear the TV so i have to rely on subtitles to help me understand what's going on. i realise i'm also speaking a tad louder just so i can hear myself.

i'm worried. worried that this might be a chronic affliction. i've still got an antiseptic drop from the GP and i hope this is not too late.

today, we attempted our first trip to Orchard with Little J and it was awful. Little J was restless the whole time wanting to be carried and i only had Z for help (she was great btw) till Joa went off for his driving lessons for 3 hours. in the end, we had to call of dinner with her new beau and head home in a cab only to land 2 very exhausting us and a very grouchy baby who has fallen into a deep slumber since over 4hours.

everywhere's on sale yet i cannot buy anything becos i'm too ashamed of my post-natal figure. breastfeeding was a pain as nurseries are never too private, convenient, and clean. but being around other mothers made me feel better about the throes of it. although i must say i did feel a little inadequate while they had their chubby babies while mine was scrawny as compared to theirs (tho theirs' much older).

i hope i can just wake up tomorrow morning and have my hearing restored. meanwhile i'm still thinking about that pair of clogs. i dun need it though i really love it.

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