martes, 24 de marzo de 2009

New days

Huge week. The Dialogue with MM Lee was quite an experience although the waiting bit was agonizing (he arrived 45 mins late). Other than that, he shared his insight on the economy, relations between countries, and his crystal-ball take of Singapore in the near future.

Joa and I had the perfect weekend. Had slow brunch at his favourite prata place (we both ate a stack of prata!), bought bubble at my favourite stall, did a bit of mundane shopping, watched DVDs, went to church, had Sunday lunch with my family, had seafood dinner with his family, gathered up with friends for a cosy and interactive meal, and had a couple of love-making sessions (which is getting to be trickier with my swelling belly). It’s the simple things that make up wonderful days. If only every weekend was this carefree and relaxing. Marriage could never turn bad.

My folks were lamenting about my (miserable) career again. They feel I’ve never stayed in a job long enough to get a performance bonus, increment or job promotion. They were right. I haven’t since I first started in 2005. It was discouraging and quite frustrating to me. I mean, who didn’t want to be cream of the crop? So I was thinking about it while on the bus to work. I guess circumstances just happened. And even if I had to go through that period again, I doubt anything would change. The flipside of it all were all the wonderful people I’ve met and who’ve helped me through my journey in their special small ways.

I’ve been thinking about crossing disciplines for some time. It first began with casual thoughts and then over the last two months, I found myself thinking about it for a fair bit. I still want to be a journalist/ writer/ Press writer, etc. I was even telling Joa I want to start a Singapore’s version of Cosmopolitan magazine, educating women about sex, relationship, marriage, and relationships. I even aspire to be an Oprah Winfrey of Singapore – not her philanthropic ways, but have a talkshow like hers. There’re so many things I want to be. And then I thought about how since the divorce, I’d always wanted to help women overcome difficult times in life. And seriously, even as I’m writing this, I still dunno what I really want.

But staying comfortable in an office cubicle and sneaking a blog entry or two in between writing letters and F&B promotions is not going to help me get anywhere closer to my aspirations. Age is catching up. And I’m also too lazy to make any big changes. So I don’t know. But I am excited about getting back into the job hunt again. At least once again, I get to decide and choose again.

Pregnancy update: I’m into my 35th week, which means I’ve got about 5 weeks (plus n minus) left. We’re now short of a baby cot, diapers, toys, and other miscellaneous stuffs that mums carry around – i.e. nipple cream, wet tissues, etc. I’m also having a hearty appetite, but overeating makes me sick. My back hurts more and I can’t sit or stand in the same position for long. Lying on the bed is best. It takes the pressure off everywhere.

Work updates: my workplace violates every new policy that MOM is trying to promote. It is rigid, and staff performance is based on long working hours and any form of net-surfing or newspaper reading is a sign of skiving. Except the HODs, no one puts on a happy face. Everyone is just plain serious and buried head down into files because apparently, there are ‘spies’ around.
It’s a lovely day outside. Just cloudy and cool. I wish I was back on my bed so I can relieve my aching back and take a nap with Joa. It’s funny how every morning feels like a new miracle.

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

You managed to type this blog entry while at work?! 0_o Your spies are not working... lol~!!

~Miss K

s dijo...
