sábado, 2 de agosto de 2008

happy 27th birthday

i had my wish this year: a big chocolate cake (albeit it was really blackforest). but it was a cosy dinner with friends even though the central air-conditioning in the restaurant was too warm. i finally had pancakes. stack of 3 with a sausage patty and two sunny-side ups.

just before bed time, joa casually mentioned that he had a little surprise planned. he was grinning all the time so i decided not to probe and let him work it out at his plan.

at 12.04am. joa nudged me firmly. i was already fast asleep and tried to brush him off but then he held up a little chocolate pudding cake from beard papa - i could see he had microwaved it so the pudding had spilled over the top and had stuck a candle. he started singing 'Happy Birthday', kissed me all over my face, pushed the plate of cake into my hands and said he was going to get the camera. all the time i was still in my lying down position, perched on one elbow and trying hard not to drift back to sleep. so i rejected to take the picture and tried to go back to sleep but then he put a little brown paper bag in my hand and said it was his gift and he wasn't sure if i'd like it but he thought i did when i first saw it. it was a pair of earrings and i had a hard time trying to make out its shape becos my eyes were blurry. thinking that i didnt like his surprise, he got quite disappointed. i assured him that i was just really tired, gave him a quick thank-you kiss and went back to sleep.

we had planned to spend the day at Happy Valley. i was really looking forward to it becos i figured it wd be a good de-stress for joa too. but it rained heavily in the morn and i was having the runs. so joa decided that we'd go to the aquarium instead.

it was disappointing although we did enjoy the huge, enormous fish. but the experience just didnt justify the admission fee becos the premise was really small. we wanted to catch a movie but i fell really sick on the bus so we got off, hoped into a cab and headed home. at night we had porridge buffet on guijie. not great.

on the whole, this year was a blast. most importantly becos joa's by my side and he's been really sweet. i hate turning 27. i'm tinking crap, next yr i'll be 28. age is catching up too fast. i cannot be 27 already. i'm too young to be so old! OMG

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