jueves, 7 de agosto de 2008

2008 olympic games opening day

it was only on my way out to work that i realised i'd forgotten to take my camera along with me so i can take pictures of the day of the "once-in-a-lifetime festival" in China.

i'd been meaning to take pictures of the decoration landscape plants, the city voluteers, and the unusually clean and empty streets. today, the streets i tread on everyday were at their tip-top condition. there were few cars and few people. the traffic even stopped to let pedestrian cross during the green man light. strange.

i came to work as usual. even though today is a stipulated public holiday. my HR announced that today would be considered an annual leave day since the rule didnt apply to private enterprises. i didn't think it was fair, and so i 'applied' to resume work. so here i am, alone in the office. trying to decide what to do for the opening tonight.

it's going to be a crazy nite. sitting in the empty office i already feel the anticipation of tonight's opening ceremony. everyone's asking around where's everyone heading to. a bunch of friends are going to the park to watch. and joa's keen to go becos there doesnt seem to be any where else. but i'm hesitant at the thought of the crowd, the heat, 3-hours out sitting on the grass, and the trouble we'd be going thru getting in and out of the park.

heading home for a quiet night in front of the tv seems to entice me. but of cos i dun want to miss out on the party fun. so yes, i tink we're prolly gonna head out. and maybe i will take my camera with me.

suddenly i feel happy to be in beijing. yesterday joa said the day has finally come. the day we've been anticipating, to be part of the olympics is finally here. we're right here, in the midst of all the action. quite exciting really. and i didn't think i'd ever feel this way but i do, right now.

beijing welcomes you. and for once, i tink the country has really put up its best form to welcome the visitors. this is indeed the best time to be in beijing. although i dread all the security checks at the subway. but i like it that at least the city is almost clean, has less crowd and is at least quite a pretty sight to see.

just received a call from my colleague. it seems i can head home for the day. woohoo!

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